But God – Easter Sunday – 04.17.22

Pastor Zach Bearss

April 17, 2022


April 17, 2022

Connect: What part of the Easter story do you identify with the most and why? 
                 Do you have an Easter tradition that is special to you? 

Engage:  Read Acts 13:26-33, 38, 39,

Zach’s point was the resurrection was received with great fear. 
Is there something about the resurrection or Jesus’s life that fills you with fear? Why? 
Have you had a experience where following Christ cost you something? 
what was that like you? 
Mark 16:8 / Matt 28:8 
Hate never has the last word- Love does. But it costs us something. How does Love cost us/ you something? 
To say yes to Jesus, you must be sure you want to follow whole heartly.
Paul’s life was totally changed. Can you name the ways that Paul’s life changed? 
How has your life changed? 

Zach’s second point:  The resurrection lead early believers to experience great joy and living hope ( vs 30 – 31  )Where do you experience Great Joy and living Hope? 

Where do you need to experience Great Joy and living Hope if you are not? 

Apply:  How are you going to apply this portion of Scripture this next week? What do you think the Lord is asking you to do this week in light of the resurrection?  How can you trust Jesus this week in the hard ? 

Pray for each other 

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