Hot Topics – Hate & Hypocrisy in the Church

Pastor Zach Bearss

May 22, 2022


May 22, 2022

Connect: Have you ever been hurt by the church or someone in the church, what was that like for you?  Have you ever been convicted of hypocrisy? How did you rectify that in your life?

Engage: Read Matthew 23:1-23,28, 37, James 1:19 – 26 What do you notice about these verses? What sticks out to you?

From Genesis the family of God got distorted through sin.
Curt Thompson – church is called to be MASH – Mobile, Army, Surgical and Hospital. How have you seen the church be MASH in your experience?
Hypocrisy and Hurt grows in Churches. This all gets turned into pride, self-righteousness, jealousy, envy, and all sorts of areas of sin. Can you give an instance where you struggled with one of these areas?

The 3 main areas that are important

  1. Power vs Serving

Jesus is hard on those with power rather than serving others – Can you give an example of this, in Scripture with Jesus or in life?
The enemy loves to attack us with authority – Ephesians 6:10-13
Jesus was attacked by the enemy in the desert – to use His power.  All authority should be under the authority of God / Scripture
Romans 12:3 so in light of power vs serving – where do you feeling God calling you to serve? Where have you served? what was that like for you?

  1. Blindness vs awareness

Blindness can creep in very subtly – where we cannot see our faults or areas of sin. Who do you have in your life that can speak into your areas with grace and truth?  Do you have awareness of the areas in your life that may need some input?  Do you have someone that can speak into that awareness as well?
Sitting with Jesus can help with awareness. Do you take time to sit with Jesus and ask Him for His awareness?  What do you do when you are made aware of something that is not glorifying to Him?
We can overestimate who we are – church is as much for our healing than it is for the world.  How does this play out in your life?
You may want to try the Examine – not just yearly but maybe monthly –

  1. Become aware of God’s presence.
  2. Review the day with gratitude. 
  3. Pay attention to your emotions.
  4. Choose one feature of the day and pray from it.
  5. Look toward tomorrow. 

John Calvin quote – Nearly all wisdom we possess, true and sound wisdom consists of two parts, the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves. How are you doing personally with that statement? Is there one way you lean more than the other? How well do you know God, how well do you know yourself?

  1. Outward vs Inward

Matt. 23 :37 – But you were not willing?  Do this in the quietness of your heart or if you are brave enough – where are you not willing to let God search you? James 1:22-24. He is not just talking about doing things but looking at the Word and doing what it says. Going back up to vs 19- 21

We are not off the hook – we will give an account to the Lord for our hearts.

Apply: Where do you need to confess? Do you have unforgiveness in your heart? Where do you need to forgive someone or the church?  What can you do to be part of the healing with someone or with someone who is upset with the church?  Where do you need to be healed?
What is God asking you to do with this sermon?

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