Proverbs: Lessons in Wisdom

Pastor Zach Bearss

June 5, 2022


June 5, 2022

Connect: Are there things that you look back where you did not use wisdom?  what was that  like for you ? Or has there been a time where you got to use wisdom and you knew that was from the Lord in a situation. 

     What is your understanding of the Holy Spirit? 

Engage: Read Proverbs 3:1-4, 8, 13-18 out of several different translations. What do you notice in these scriptures? Does anything stand out to you? 

What did you think of Zach’s statement we can have moral values and still be stupid. What does that look like in the world today?

Solomon’s task was to lead God’s people what do you think of his statement in 1 Kings 3:7-9 l Have you ever felt out of your element where you have prayed that prayer and had to trust the Lord to give you wisdom beyond your years? 

Zach shared 3 areas where we need start with Wisdom
#1 acknowledging the need for Wisdom
#2 the value for Wisdom
#3 the nature of wisdom

 #1 If God could give you anything you want, what would you ask Him? Would you ask for wisdom or not?
Have you ever had to say, “ I might be wrong?” what was that like for you to say those words ? 

Vs 7-8 say Do not be wise in your own eyes;
    fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body
    and nourishment to your bones. 
What do you think these verses mean according to Zach’s message? 

#2 Wisdom is a valuable commodity 
Zach shared that the Proverbs are not math problems. – Did you grow up where A + B = C where proverbs were a math problem  and how did you navigate that thought process? 
   Vs 13-14 Blessed are those who find wisdom,
    those who gain understanding,
14 for she is more profitable than silver
    and yields better returns than gold.
She is more precious than rubies;
    nothing you desire can compare with her.
16 Long life is in her right hand;
    in her left hand are riches and honor.

What do you think of these verses – What are they saying to you personally?  What do you think of the statement that wisdom is made of little decisions, Wisdom takes discipline?  That wisdom is a slow walk with God? What does that look like in your life? 
Zach used the tree analogy – slow and steady – where have you seen this in your life.  Do you have older people in your life that you have asked for wisdom? What was one thing that they shared with you that you have applied in your Life? 

#3 Nature of Wisdom
 The nature of wisdom is dealing with reality.
Reality is your friend – it is not good or bad – it is reality – So what decisions do you need to make based on reality? 

Zach also talked about Pentecost – and that it is tied very closely to the Holy Spirit
John 14:5, 15-18,25-27  James 1:5  How do you think you get wisdom through the power of the Holy Spirit? But it is not just a key that you can turn on and off?  What do you think about that statement? 

Apply: In what areas of life do you need to apply wisdom? What is holding you back from seeking God’s help in the area of wisdom.   Where is one thing that you can do this week to trust Jesus this week that will take an act of faith for you? Do you need some ne to hold you accountable or pray for you to do that act of faith? 

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