Summer in the Psalms – Journey of Integrity

Pastor Zach Bearss

August 8, 2021


Pastor Zach Bearss

August 8, 2021

Have you ever attended or viewed an ordination service before? What struck you about this part of the church service? Congratulations to Brandon Chism, our Worship Pastor, for being ordained this Sunday.

Have someone read Psalm 15 and 16 out loud three times.

  1. The first time, listen for and discuss what this passage reveals about God.
  2. The second time, listen for and discuss what this passage reveals about ourselves.
  3. The third time, listen for and discuss any additional insights from His word.

The definition of integrity is: (
1) adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
2) the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.
3) a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition.

Discuss integrity in light of how we view ourselves and view others in relationship to a holy God.

Discuss this statement by Dietrich Bonhoeffer:
What the church will need, what our century will need, are people of genius, not brilliant tacticians or strategists, but simple, straight forward, honest men and women.”

Some questions to go before the Lord in a time of prayer and ask of Him:

  1. Am I the same person in public that I am in private?
  2. Do I say one thing and do another?
  3. Am I different online, in church, at work, or at home than I am elsewhere?
  4. Am I pursuing an intimate relationship with Jesus when no one else is watching?
  5. Does my story contribute to God’s redemptive story?

Pray that we will each love the Lord with our whole hearts and be a people of integrity in our pursuit of a love relationship with Him.

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