Summer in the Psalms – Family Sunday

Pastor Zach Bearss

June 27, 2021

Pastor Zach Bearss

June 27, 2021


What is your favorite thing about living here in the mountains of Colorado where you can see God’s majesty on display?

Read Psalm 8.  What does this Psalm teach you about God? What does this Psalm teach you about yourself?

Psalm 8 is written by David, who battled against Goliath and the Philistines.  Read I Samuel 17.  What lies are being said against the Israelites in this story?

Discuss 5 lies that the world tells us about ourselves:

  1. Life is random. But God says we are His special possession.
  2. Our value is external. But God says He created us for a purpose.
  3. Your identity is inside yourself. But God says your identity comes from the name of Yahweh.
  4. Creation is all that exists. But God says He is the creator of all things that declares His glory.
  5. We have no real purpose. But others can see God through our lives as we co-labor together and are stewards of His goodness in our lives.

Meditate or memorize a verse in Psalm 8 this week that speaks against the lies of this world and lies you tell yourself about your value in God’s kingdom.

Pray that God’s word will speak truth into your life so that you can live for His kingdom and His glory. 

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