Summer in the Psalms – Seeking the Face of the Father

Pastor Zach Bearss

August 15, 2021


Pastor Zach Bearss

August 15, 2021

When was a time in your life when you were parched physically and your thirst could not be satisfied?  How about spiritually?

Have someone read Psalm 63 out loud three times.

  1. The first time, listen for and discuss what this passage reveals about God.
  2. The second time, listen for and discuss what this passage reveals about ourselves.
  3. The third time, listen for and discuss any additional insights from His word.

Discuss this quote from A.W. Tozer: “Come near to the holy men and women of the past and you will soon feel the heat of their desire after God. They mourned for Him, they prayed and wrestled and sought for Him day and night, in season and out, and they found Him, the finding was all the sweeter for the long seeking.”  Have you ever known someone personally who walks this way with God or  heard a speaker or read an author that has impacted you in this same way?

David experienced many circumstances of life that could have disappointed him with who God is: Sin in his own life with Bathsheba. Failure as a dad. Running from his son, Absalom. Uncertainty about his kingdom.  But David is sure of his relationship with God as his father forevermore and in God’s faithfulness. Think on your own life.  Where have you been dissatisfied in God? Where have you experienced who God is and that was enough?

Go to and search for Psalm 63 by Shane and Shane.  Meditate on this song based on the Psalm from today’s sermon.

Pray that the Lord will give you a heart that longs and yearns for Him more and more in the dry and weary parts of your life.

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