Summer in the Psalms – The God Who Is Everywhere

Pastor Zach Bearss

September 5, 2021


Pastor Zach Bearss

September 5, 2021

Have you ever been in a place so dark that you couldn’t see your hand in front of you? Was it terrifying? Did you long for the light when you were surrounded by the darkness? Describe that experience.

Have someone read Psalm 139 out loud three times.

  1. The first time, listen for and discuss what this passage reveals about God.
  2. The second time, listen for and discuss what this passage reveals about ourselves.
  3. The third time, listen for and discuss any additional insights from His word.

The prefix “Omni” means all.  Three Omnis are attributed to God but not to man.  Look through Psalm 139 and find examples of each of these 3 characteristics of God and how it is displayed in this passage of scripture:

  1. Omnipotence: all-powerful
  2. Omniscience: all-knowing
  3. Omnipresence: present everywhere all the time

Where in your life are you trying to hide in the darkness from God and not bring it into His light?

Based on Psalm 139, take time spend time with God and pray this prayer of surrender:

  • SEARCH ME: find me
  • TEST ME:  examine me
  • LEAD ME: show me how to move forward

Pray and ask the Lord for the next step of faith to take and a way out of the darkness.

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