The Inheritance of the Redeemed

Pastor Brandon Chism

February 14, 2021


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Pastor Brandon Chism

February 14, 2021

1.Romans chapter 8 begins with a promise that there is “now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Briefly share with the group some of your testimony in coming to Christ, and how you now resonate with this promise, coming from condemnation to now freedom in Christ.


2. The Holy Spirit is described as “groaning” in Romans 8:26 as He helps us in our weakness in prayer. Share with the group your method of prayer – do you use the A.C.T.S method (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication)? Do you keep a prayer journal? Do you have a list of requests for others you pray through regularly? If you’re still in process of developing a prayer life and habits, write down a method you’d like to try in the coming week and commit to doing it each day for one week. And remember, even as you may struggle sometimes in your prayers, that the Spirit knows your heart and intercedes on your behalf.


3.  Thinking back over the past year, recall a moment or moments where you’ve lived out of an earthly temporary identity (identifying with a political idea or person, with certain convictions on the pandemic, or believing lies about yourself, etc.). How might you approach such situations or thought processes differently moving forward, if you allow your identity as an adopted son or daughter of God to shape those other ideas and convictions?


4.  Spend time in prayer as a group, and allow some time for silence. Allow the Spirit to guide your thoughts, and rest in your position as a purchased son or daughter in Christ.