VBS Sunday

Pastor Zach Bearss

June 26, 2022


Pastor Zach Bearss
June 26, 2022


Genesis 37-50

Connect: What hard things have you experienced in your life and how did you navigate through them? Could you trust the Lord easily or was it harder to trust God? 

Engage: How do you connect to Joseph’s story? Do you see how God has showed up in your familys’ lives despite pain and sorrow. 

 #1 Choices that we have affects every one of us 
God always shows up in the pain, hurt and joy.  We need to realize that through our choices it affects everyone!  Has there been a time when your parents, grandparents, great grandparents have made choices both good /bad that have affected you? 

#2 God does not break through the way we think He should show up?
How does that sit with you? You can know it in your head but can you know it in your heart deeply? How does that show up in your life? 

One thing Zach said over and over is that God was with Joseph. How do you know that God is with you? How do you watch for God through the week? 

Give a time where you had to move forward to trust God and others that you were interacting with?

Proverbs 3:5-6 – When you read that verse what does that say to you? How does that play out in your life? 

How have your trusted the Lord and taken risks for the Lord where you have had to trust Him? 

Zach talked about the gospel – How has the gospel helped you navigate the hard things and good things in your life. Jesus understands- Is there some one in your life that needs to hear the gospel – Can you trust to share that with some one you know? 

Apply:  Where can you trust Jesus this week, this month, this year? Is there something God wants you do to take risk? Maybe ask forgiveness for someone you hurt? Do something that scares me that I think the Lord is wanting me to do ?   Is there a situation right now you need to trust Jesus with and can you trust Jesus to share it with your group?

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