Wonderfully Made, Temporarily Scarred

Pastor Brandon Chism

February 26, 2023


Fearfully Made 2/26/23 – Pastor Brandon Psalm 139

  1. Read through Psalm139 as a group and notice the various segments of the Psalm. Which segment catches your attention the most, and why?
  2. Do you have a favorite piece of art(painting, photograph, sculpture, etc.)? When you look at it, imagine being in the world or context represented by the piece (i.e. if a photograph, imagine being in the place where the photo was taken). How does the image of the piece of art reflect, or not reflect, the reality of the context it is attempting to portray?
  3. When you look in the mirror, what do you see?(be honest…there are no “correct” answers here)
  4. Are you (or have you in the past) placed your identity on other things other than Christ? Explain.
  5. What truth from Psalm 139 can you take and apply to yourself, to counter any lies you might believe about yourself and your identity in Christ?

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