
Pastor Zach Bearss

May 14, 2023


May 14, 2023

Romans 12:10, 1 Peter 2:17, Eph 6:1-4, Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:18 Levit.19:32, 1 Peter 3:7, Eph 5:33, 1 Tim. 5:17

Connect: Where have you experienced honor? What was that like for you? Where have you experienced contempt? What was that like for you?

Engage: How much do you know about the honor / shame culture? What do you think about the 80% of people live honor / shame culture? Have you experienced other cultures living this out in your circle?

What would it look like for you to honor someone above yourself? Honor means – to prize one another or assign value to one another. Where have you seen this in your life?
Christ has given us the greatest honor by dying for us –

Where do we see some places in our culture today where we do not honor others?

Where have we stopped honoring God in our culture but more importantly in our own lives?

Zach talked about several ways we can honor.
Share how you are doing in these areas – which ones are hard for you to do? Which ones have brought you the most joy ? Which ones is the Lord asking you to maybe look at and change ?
Honor your parents Eph. 6:1
Honor your children Eph. 6:4
Honor those in authority Romans 13: 1-7
Honor your boss 1 Peter 2:18
Honor the Elderly Leviticus 19:32
Honor your spouse 1 Peter 3:7, Eph. 5:33
Honor your church leaders 1 Tim 5:17

Karen Wong – article in Christianity Today

What do you think about the statement Zach made – Honoring someone means you do not have to obey them? What do you think about that?

Opposite of Honor is contempt?
We live in a contempt culture – How does that play out in our culture?

Contempt means resentment lived out in the form of devaluing someone hold them underneath me. Where have you seen this in our culture?

Zach talked about Practical ways that show honor.

1. Honor one another’s stories.
2. Honor one another’s calling – not a way to be used over others. 3. Honor one another’s sacrifices.
4. Honor one another’s gifts.
5. Honor one another’s futures.

Which one of these is hard for you? Which one of these do you feel that you do well? How can we do that as a church or a small group?

Apply: How would the body of Christ change in our culture if we tried outdo one another in showing honor ?

Which one of these practical ways do you need to apply in your own life?
What steps do you need to take to honor others?
How can you honor your own story?

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