Spiritual Sacrifices – 11.28.21

Pastor Tom Dages

November 28, 2021


1 Peter 2:1-12

Q-As royal priests in God’s spiritual house, we are granted the privilege of bringing God to the people and people’s needs to God, comment on the  privileges this provides us on a daily basis?

Q-Comment on Malcom Muggeridge’s statement “Secular work well done is a holy enterprise”
Q-How can seeing your work as a holy enterprise change your perspective on going to work everyday?
Q-What is a personal identity, and why is it important for a healthy spiritual and emotional life?
Q-How does coming to Christ radically change our identities?
Q-What does it mean to practically live out of our new Christ centered identities?
Q-What is the treadmill of performance pastor Tom referred to and describe how you have found yourself  both living on this treadmill  and  strategies you have employed to get off?

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