The Lord’s Prayer

Pastor Zach Bearss

March 26, 2023


March 26, 2023

Luke 11:1- 13, 1 Cor. 1:22


Connect: When did you first remember hearing the Lord’s prayer? Did you say that as a part of your faith tradition growing up?

Engage: Read through the Lord’s prayer together.
Today we are going to look at verse 3. “Give us each day our daily bread.” Let’s review of hallowed be His name. Look to the Father who created all the universe. We are a thankful people – Let us glory in Your wonder.How do you glory in God’s wonder?

As people we are an asking people. Even as atheists when faced with trial they will ask someone they do not believe in. (Just in case)

We can ask for wisdom, discernment, protection, insight and for God to move.

Vs. 5-6 in the Bible there was a high view of hospitality –
Vs. 7-8 pressing into unbelief – even a bad friend gets up and helps the neighbor.

Have you ever helped someone with hospitality or a neighbor. So Jesus was telling his disciples that the barrier for the Father of not asking is ridiculous.
He wants to give you good things.
We should be asking for a daily bread and for each moment of the day. Do you ask on a consistent basis for the Lord to work.

A. God’s presence – Do you ask the Lord for his presence. – example Manna Where have you seen the Lord’s presence in your life?

B. God is the One who provides for us. How has God provided for you in the past and now?

C. God’s promised meal – Isaiah 25:6 – He provides necessities – not necessarily wants but needs.

Zach had 3 points: Ask, Ask and Ask

1. Ask Zach grew up where his family asked for everything–story after story of God providing – What was one memorable provision?

God wants us to ask – invitation to ask – there is joy in the asking.
Do you pray for those things that affect the world? Not just for yourself but the goodness of the church? What do you pray for?

2. Ask–example of Powers Rd.–Powers Rd. it got built because of asking. Do you have an example of being scared to ask and how God provided?

3. Ask–Do you ask for your family? Do you pray for your kids? For spouses?
Do you pray for the areas that God prays for? What do you think is on God’s heart?
Vs. 13 Gave us the Holy Spirit – one of the greatest things. God’s faithfulness. Do you pray for being filled with the Holy Spirit?

2 Cor. 1:22 – 22 set his seal of ownership on us and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

What do think this verse is saying to you?

Apply: In light of Zach’s sermon what is the Lord putting on your heart to apply this week?

What are you going to ask God for that is of God’s kingdom this week?

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