Hot Topics: Technology

Pastor Zach Bearss

June 25, 2023


June 25, 2023


Psalm 16, Matt. 13:44


Connect: Where have you benefited from technology? Where has it been a hinderance in your life?  What part of technology takes your attention? FB?, Twitter? Instragram? News? Youtube? Blogs? Google?

How as a family has technology impacted you as family?





Engage: Read Psalm 16.  What did you glean from Psalm 16 as you read it in the light of technology? What does it mean to be human to you?


  1. God is the source of our deepest joy.

How does that statement sit with you? In the depths of your heart is that true for you or does something else come in for you and take your joy?

      Zach talked about how technology makes us independent – where are you seeing this in your life and the world?


  Where are you getting fulfillment? (Not in just technology)

Our hearts are treasure factories – – Matt. 13:44 we are looking for the shiny thing- like Gollum in the Lord of the Rings. – Do you search for the kingdom of heaven like it is the greatest treasure?  Where do you need to grow in that area?


Did you know about the dopamine hits with your brain, and do you experience that?


  1. We are constantly tempted by distraction. How have you seen this in your life? 

FOMO – Fear of missing out? How has that played out in your life?

C.S. Lewis – “the moment you wake up each morning, all your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals.” Where have you seen this in your life?

Your phone owns you – How have you seen that on your phone through ads or what comes into your feed?


  1. We are easily enslaved by our desires. – like the 1920, 1930s with cigarettes

Where have you seen this in your life or the lives of others ?

John Wyatt “ As human beings we have a remarkable ability to create tools but we also have an almost limitless capacity to be in enslaved by them. What do you think of this statement?


Sean Parker “ That means we needed to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while because some tone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever you exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology . The inventors understood this, consciously and we did it anyway. “

How does that quote strike you?


  1. We must seek God.

Where are you seeking God right now? What practices are you doing that helps you seek God?


Do you have a day of fasting with technology in place right now in your life? If you don’t why not?  Is that something that Lord is inviting you?  Where do you need to detox from technology?







Apply: What is God inviting you to considering this message of technology?

Do you need to have someone keep you accountable to this?

How are you and your family going to protect you from neg technology?



Helpful resources for parents on screens and social media use




The Robot will see you now: Artificial Intelligence and the Christian faith. Eds. John Wyatt and Stephen Williams, SPCK. A multi- author book addressing a range of AI issues from the perspective of the Christian faith including science fiction, employment healthcare, sex robots and surveillance capitalism.


The Tech- wise family, Everyday steps for putting Technology in it’s proper place.Andy Crouch Baker. Practical and helpful wisdom for parents and families


Irresistible: the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked.  Adam Alter, Penguin. A very useful and accessible explanation of how digital technologies have been explicitly designed to be addictive and what steps can be taken to mitigate the bad consequences.


News Articles: health-news/social-media-mental-health-anxiety-depression-teens-surgeon-general-rcna85575

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