Hot Topics: Toxic Masculinity

Pastor Zach Bearss

June 18, 2023


June 18, 2023


Ephesians Eph 1:1-18, 4:1-3, 5:25, 6:4


Connect: This may be a hard question: What was your experience of God through your experience of your Father? If you are a parent – what do you think you did well and where do you think you need to improve?

Engage: Where have you gotten your identity?

Zach talked about 3 things of engaging in your kids.

1. Discipleship with your family
2. How you love your spouse
3. How you engage with your kids

How are you doing with these? is there one that you think you do well with? Are there ones that you need to improve on?

Do you truly believe you have been given everything you need to meet the challenge? How does that look as you live your life?

Ephs: 3: 14-18 – How we relate is how we see Christ – How does that play out in your life? Are there areas in this statement that you need to grow in?

Where do you need to show some vulnerability? Men do you have someone that you can be totally vulnerable with and if not why?

Eph 5:25 The most important thing is to love. Husbands, how are you doing in this command? How are we seeing this implode today in our world? How can we be lights in this area? How can you improve in this area whether a father, grandfather?

Zach made the statement – Rules without relationship = rebellion Relationship without rules = chaos

How do you see this play out in the world and in your own life? Do you tend to err on one side or the other?

Zach unpacked this verse Eph 6:4
A. Raise them up. Our goal is to help our children become inter dependent adults.
How are you doing in this area or those who children are grown – How did you do?

B. In the Lord
Teach them Scripture.
Share your faith journey.
Work with your integrity
Show them how to be strong and grace filled.

How are you doing in each of these areas? Which one is one you think the Lord is asking you to work on even now?

Apply: What is the Lord Jesus inviting you into with this sermon this week? Ladies – where do you need to support your husband in this endeavor?

Where do you need to experience the heart of the Father amid your father wounds.

With communion what did the Lord show you. In that and what steps do you need to do to follow through with what the Holy Spirit showed you?

Pray for your children this week and what God is asking you to do in light of what the Lord is showing you?

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