Praying the Psalms: Psalm 1

Pastor Zach Bearss

June 2, 2024

June 2, 2024

Connect: What is your favorite Psalm? Why?
When you read Psalm 1, Where are you in the Psalm are you a tree planted by his streams or do you feel like chaff? What does that look like in your life?

Engage: Zach talked about 3 statements

Walking with the wicked = morally backward

Standing with sinners = missing the mark

Sitting with mockers = stack with contempt

There is a progression – have you experienced this in your life where you then through this progression?

Zach talked about 5 thoughts in the story of our heart that started with Adam and Eve.

1. Is God withholding something from me?
2. There is probably no God so just have a good time.
3. God is deceiving you.
4. Your faith is keeping you from a fulfilling enjoyable liberated life.
5. You are missing out.
Which one resonates with your journey? We all have one.

Vs. 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord and on His law, he mediates day and night.

Has there been a time when God showed up in a deep way as you read the Word?

A. Delight – desire- valuable thing.
What are you longing for? What do you want in your life? What does your heart treasure? Where do you need to bring Jesus into treasure?

B.  Law of the Lord – narrative of who God is
Where have you allowed the Scripture to get into you and circumcise your heart in some areas of your life?

C.  Mediates- hagah – chew on – roll around.
How do you mediate on Scripture or do you just read for knowledge? Where have you allowed God to pierce your heart?

Zach talked about 2 ways of being human.
Flourishing or Ruin- Where are you?

Apply: How strong are your roots? What is the invitation for you this week in context of this message? Will you commit to reading the Psalms this summer slowly and thoughtfully? Is there a verse in Psalm 1 that you need to mediate on?


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