Proverbs: Lessons in Wisdom

Pastor Zach Bearss

July 10, 2022


July 10, 2022


Prov. 17:22, 15:13-14, 18:14, 28:1 12:25, 13:12, 14:10, 14:13, 13:30, 15:4

Connect:  When have you lost excitement for life and how was that like for you? 
How are you aware of your inner world and how does that look for you?

Engage: Re read some of these proverbs outloud – is there one that is encouraging to you? 
 Depression/ discouragement/ crushed spirit are on the rise.  Have you seen examples of this? 

Proverbs shines light on our inner world hearts and spirits are on the priority of life. 
Crushed spirit changes reality, Michael Gerson – “Despair can grow like a tumor. I can attest that a downward depressive spiral makes you withdraw from others at the very moment your need for others is the greatest. “
How have you seen this play out in your life or lives of others? 

5 Realities of our Spirit 
#1 Physical 
Deep ache – Proverbs 17:22
The way we take care of our bodies 
 In what ways are you taking care of your physical body?  They are intertwined.

#2 Relationships are Key
Prov. 12:25  
Words can crush you.  Proverbs 25:11,  How have you experienced good words or presence that has been encouraging?  Have you been a recipient of words that were hurtful and how that land on you?  
Have you ever been just present with some one? What was that experience like for you.  Sometimes we just need to learn from the Holy Spirit to listen or speak

#3 Anger/ Guilt- 
Sin can cause depression – Proverbs 13:30, Psalm32:35 
We can walk around with so much guilt, which can lead to depression. Who can you be honest with? Do you have a community of people that you can  be honest with and if you don’t why not? 
Spirit can search our hearts – 
Guilt can turn into anger /resentment / bitterness – Have you ever been one of these words and what was that like for you? 

#4 Faith/Hope 
Proverbs 6:6-8 / 13:12
What are you looking for? 
What are you hoping for? 
Where your heart is, where is your treasure?  Hope can be misguided. 
What are you hoping for in church?
We need to put our hope in Jesus. 
Where do we need to grow in Christ likeness? 

#5 Presence/Love
We all long to be known. 
Do you feel known by others and by God?  
Psalm 42: 1, 7 Only the love of God can get to those deep places 
Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so – John 13:23- 25 
Do you experience the Love of Jesus on deep level? Do you feel His heart beating for you? 
Where does your heart rest? 
Do you experience God calling you beloved? If yes – what does that look like for you? And if it doesn’t, where do you need to trust Jesus with that information? 

Apply: Where do I struggle with this message? 
What do you need to take from this sermon and apply to your walk this week?
Where do you need to ask for community to support you? 

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