Summer in the Psalms – Friend in God

Pastor Zach Bearss

July 25, 2021


Pastor Zach Bearss

July 25, 2021

When have you had to trust someone else for your safety?  What made you trust them?

Have someone read Psalm 27 out loud three times.

  1. The first time, listen for and discuss what this passage reveals about God.
  2. The second time, listen for and discuss what this passage reveals about ourselves.
  3. The third time, listen for and discuss any additional insights from His word.

Discuss  the relationship of gazing at God (“to behold with perception and intelligence”) and inquiring of God (“to consider, reflect, gain wisdom”).

Discuss this statement: “To trust God you have to know who God is.” How does this thought affect you daily life?

Discuss verse 27:6 and how the joy of the Lord is a result of trusting God despite difficult circumstances.

Read verse 27:4. What is the “one thing” you are asking of God today? Is it a worry of the heart or the mind? Whatever it is, take that one thought captive to Christ and replace it with the “one thing” of trusting God’s character.  Find one verse in the bible to meditate on that will move you from fear to faith for this particular situation.

Pray that we will lean into God’s faithfulness and goodness and trust Him more by faith day by day as you grow in Him. 

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