True North: The Great Commission

Pastor Zach Bearss

February 25, 2024


February 25, 2024

Matt. 28:16-20, Matt. 5:13-16, Eph. 2:8-10, John 1:40-47 13:35, 1 Peter 3:15-16


Connect:  Who shared the gospel with you and how did you respond to the gospel message? Have you ever shared the gospel with someone and what was that experience like for you?

Engage:  What command does Jesus give the apostles in 28:18-20? What promise does Jesus give them in 28:18-20?

Where have you seen personally salt and light in your life? Have you had an opportunity be salt and light?

Clearview 101: The Lord Jesus Christ commands ALL believers to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world and to make disciples of all nations. He calls us to a life-denying love and service.

If you have not shared your faith either through word or deed – What has prevented you from doing so? What do you need to do to take a step of faith of sharing the gospel.

Zach shared 3 Commands.

#1 Go and cause people to be learners of Jesus. It is a lifestyle.
a. Good reminder – we do not have to lead them to Christ – but we do have to be intentional about sharing the gospel and leave the results to God. What could that look like in your life?

#2 Invite every kind of people to know Jesus and follow the way of Jesus.
a. What people do you have difficulty sharing with and why? What is Jesus asking you to do with that fear?

b. John13:34-35 – what would some practical ways to love those who are different than you?

#3 Learn the teachings of Jesus and be ready to help others learn the teaching of Jesus.
a. Are you mentoring someone who is young in the faith? Is there someone the Lord is putting on your heart to mentor?

b. 1 Peter 3:15-16 – What are those verses calling you to do?


Apply:  How are you doing with sharing the gospel? Not to shame you but to say where can I take a step of faith with someone. Who are the 1 or 2 people that need to know Jesus and what is the Lord inviting you to do in with those 1 or 2 people ?

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