True North: The Power of the Holy Spirit

Pastor Zach Bearss

February 4, 2024


February 4, 2024

John 2:24- 3:18, Ezekiel 36:25-27 1 Peter 1:22-23


Connect: What was your understanding of the Holy Spirit growing up? What is your understanding now of the Holy Spirit? Is it still a mystery to you?

Engage: In Jesus’s talk with Nicodemus, what things does He share about the work of the Holy Spirit? What roles does the Spirit serve in the lives of the of believers?

Have you experienced people who are deeply filled with the Holy Spirit and what was that experience like for you?

Where are you like Nicodemus and need to be remade?

Numbers 21:4-9 Talks about the bronze serpent. Reread that – what do you think is the connection for you and the idea of the Holy Spirit/ Christ regarding what Zach shared on Sunday?
What is on the pole of your life that you look at to get significance?

Zach shared 3 points:
#1 You need to realize that you need a new start and a new beginning.

Where do you see that in your life? What do you need to do to allow that to happen? Is it confess some sin that you are struggling with?

#2 You need to understand that this new start must come from outside yourself.
The Word and the Spirit. – which one of these, the Word or the Spirit is a harder thing for you

to understand?
#3 You have to believe in Jesus – Your heart needs to be something entirely new to worship.

The Lord always asks us – Where are you? Where are you in the light of the Holy Spirit? As Zach said it is not a one-time thing.

Martin Luther: “the whole of the Christian life should be repentance.” How are you doing with this?

Apply: Considering this message, what is the Lord inviting you into this week? How are you going to live your life considering the Holy Spirit?

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