Unfinished Hope: Building the Wall

Pastor Zach Bearss

November 13, 2022


November 13, 2022

Nehemiah 3, Neh. 2:17-18, 20, 28,29 Ezra 7:6,9, 28 8:18,22
1 Cor 3:9 16, 17 12:12-13, 18-20 Matt 28:18-19, 20 Romans 12:6-8

Connect: What is one thought or one thing you learned through with the music through the ages? What was one thing that surprised you?

Engage: Chapter 3 is a picture of God’s people responding to the call to build the wall. Coming together and working together. They were used to the rubble and seeing a city in disgrace. They came together and built 2 1/2 miles of wall in 52 days – they were tired of living in the rubble.

Where have you gotten used to living in rubble or disgrace? What is the Lord asking you to do with that rubble as you are made aware of the rubble whether personally or in the world?

There was no hierarchy, they all worked together for the sake of rebuilding the wall
1. Everyone was invited to participate. Where are you being invited to participate in what God is doing now?

2. They accomplished something great. Where have you been a part of something great and what was that like for you?

3. There was passion for their work. Where have you been passionate about something God called you to do?

Israel had lost the idea of partnering with God. However, we have been called to co-labor with God. This is what we were created to do – Rule and Reign. Exodus 19:5-6, Isaiah 61:5-6. How does this connect with you?

Where do we see divisions when it comes to the gospel? Zach shared that it is not the vision of God’s kingdom. So how do we do let go of our egos and join what God is doing? What does that look like for us specifically for me? 1 Cor 3:9, 16, 17

Romans 12:6-8 talks about spiritual gifts. Do you know what your spiritual gifts are and if you do. How do live out those gifts both in the church and out in the world? Is there something that God has called you too?

Lastly, Zach talked about brokenness and that there are seasons. Maybe you are in a season of brokenness. If He takes His hand of us we are nothing. Are there areas in your life where you need encouragement? Are there areas of brokenness that you need the Lord to show up in?

Apply: What is one thing that you can take away from this sermon? What is one thing that you believe God is calling you to do? Are you using your gifts? Why or why not?

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