Unfinished Hope: Ezra 10

Pastor Zach Bearss

October 23, 2022


October 23, 2022

Ezra 9, 10 2 Timothy 3:14-16 Deuteronomy 7:3-4, 6 Malachi 2:15-16 Philippians 3:15-17, 1 Cor 7;12

Connect: From Brandon’s questions: What worship songs have ministered to you in tragedy? What worship songs have pointed you to Christ in a meaningful way?

Engage: What is God asking to teach us through these scriptures that Zach talked about? Where do we have some questions right now in our generation where we need some guidance from Scripture?

Zach talked about 4 helpful things for interpreting the Bible
1. The Bible is a library not a book. – What do you think about that statement?

2. The Bible is written for us not to us. It is a gift to let God speak to me through stories. How has God spoken to you through the bible?

3. Never just read one verse.–it is easy to take Scripture out of context– Where are we in the story? Where are you in the story?

4. All the Bible points to Jesus–We need to look through everything through the eyes of Jesus. How did Jesus turn upside down some of these laws?

What do you think about Zach’s statement of the whole serving the individual – individualism? Where do you see individualism playing out? Where have you struggled with individualism?

Did Ezra make the right decision in your eyes? As Christ followers where would we stand on this issue?

Where is God calling you or your family to draw a line in something you are convicted about through Scripture?

Jeremiah 6:16 – Where do you need wisdom and then need to walk in it?

Apply: What is one thing that the Lord wants you to hold on too this week through this sermon?

Where can you show grace to someone who may think differently than you?

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