Unfinished Hope: Loyal Love

Pastor Zach Bearss

October 30, 2022

October 30, 2022

Nehemiah 1, 2:1-7 Deut 30: 3-5 Luke 19:37-41

Connect: What was the hymn that made the most impression to you growing up? If you did not grow up with hymns or any church music – was there a song that comforted you, and why did it comfort you? Is there a song now that comes to mind that ministers to you, and how does it minister to you?

Engage: Was there anything that stuck out to you as you listened to Zach’s sermon? One thought or idea that struck you?

There were several things that Nehemiah did – He acknowledged who God was Are you able to acknowledge who God is when things are hard? Why or why not? What attribute about God do you hang too when things are hard?

He confessed corporate sin “our sin” Are there areas today that we should be confessing corporate sin for the world?

He was also brave when Nehemiah was with the King – being vulnerable about his heart ache for his people. Have you ever had a situation where you have had to be brave in a hard situation. What was that like for you?

What have you heard lately that has broken your heart? Where has your heart grown cold?

Where have you wept over the world right now? What is your response to that grief?

What in your life your life is requiring great courage?

Apply: What is one area that the Lord is asking to do after hearing this sermon? Is there an area of your life where the Lord is asking you to take a step of faith?

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