Vision Sunday: The Gathering

Pastor Zach Bearss

September 10, 2023


September 10, 2023

Heb. 10:19- 19-24, Eph 5:14-19, 5:28-32, John17:9-10, 13, 20-21 Heb 10:14, Psalm 121, Eph 5:30, John 17:23 James 1:22-24


Connect: What has church traditionally looked like for you? Is it something you do or is it a deeper issue for you? How have you been a consumer of the church? Where do you see individualism in the church?

Engage: There are 3 main Values/ Movements of Clearview 1. Come2.Grow3.Go

We come together to grow together to go together.
Hebrews is warning the early church do not shrink back we need each other for survival. Do not be complacent.

Have you ever been complacent in your faith and what was that like for you?

Zach shared 3 points about the church.

  1. Jesus made it possible. Eph 5:14-19

    a. We are new creations still working out our brokenness – How does that statement sit with you?

  2. We are His joy and glory. Eph. 5:28-32 John 17:910, 13, 20-21

    1. Do you believe deep down in your heart that the church is the Lord’s joy and glory?

      Where have you seen that joy and glory in the church?

    2. How do we experience the weight of that statement?

  3. He is making us new. Heb. 10-14

    1. Where are the places that you have experienced Christ’s newness in your life?

    2. Are you trying to walk with Christ on your own? Where to you have community within the church?

Zach talked about 4 movements of the church.

  1. Look Up.–Psalm121
    Where have you looked at the church to meet your needs? Where does your perspective need to change?

  2. Look around. – Eph. 5:20
    Where do you need to step in faith with others in the church who are different?

  3. Look Outward-John17:23
    Where do you need to step out in faith with those outside the church?

  4. Look Inward.–James1:22-24
    Where does your heart need to change? Do you take time to search your heart?

Apply: What is the Lord asking you to do regarding of this message? Who are you going to within what the Lord is saying to you?

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